Understanding Femininity by Chakras
We all know that women and men differ from each other not only physiologically. The mindset, personality traits, tastes and many other attributes of our personality can be divided into two large categories. Some will be characteristic (for the most part) of women, while others will be characteristic of men.
In yoga, we can find an explanation for such differences at the energy level of the human body. The fact is that there is a network of energy channels (Sanskrit Nadhi) in the energy body of each of us. There are a lot of these channels, but there are three main ones – Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Ida is the left side channel, aka lunar or steppe/soft/Yin. Pingala is the right side channel, aka solar or dynamic/strong/yang. In women, the left channel dominates the right channel, while in men, on the contrary, the right channel dominates the left channel. The predominant movement of energy through one or another channel determines our psycho-emotional state. If the dominants are arranged in the opposite order, i.e. a woman has a more active right channel and a man has a left one, then this woman will be more masculine and the man more feminine (which happens from time to time).
If we consider the concept of gender polarity on this kind of schematic energy level, everything looks very simple – two channels – two genders – two kits of sets of qualities that are typical of one or the other channel/sex. There is no reason for disagreement here.
Disputes arise when we begin to analyze which characteristics are typical for masculinity and which are typical for femininity? That is, how are these groups of qualities placed along channels/sexes? This is where the discussion really goes on and on, because everyone has his own opinion.
In fact, the nature of the difference of opinions on this question can also be explained with the help of the concept of the structure of the energy body. In addition to the channels in the pranic body, there are also chakras, the places where they cross. These chakras are also directly connected with the work of the mind. Each person has different activity and functionality of his or her chakras due to different karmic experience. Some person’s centers work “better”, someone else’s work better than others. Depending on the specifics of the combined functioning of the chakras and nadis, we have people with different characters and views of reality.
So, let’s still talk about how the term “femininity” is understood by different women, depending on which energy center their consciousness is most at.
The first level of understanding about femininity that we encounter in women’s community is located in the first chakra. Muladhara chakra is the basic, animal level. Here everything is simple, without any frills – the main thing is to survive and continue the species. I am a woman – because I have primary and secondary sexual attributes, as well as household duties peculiar to my gender. That’s pretty much it. All other notions of feminine nature, alien – “it’s all from idleness”.
The next level of understanding about femininity is in the second chakra. Svadhisthana chakra is associated with pleasures, craving for beauty, aesthetics, creativity. Here a woman, in order to manifest the nature of her sex, demonstrates her sexuality, plasticity, grace. She likes to dress beautifully, to look brightly, to develop the flexibility of the body. She is very interested in the subtleties of sexual relations – she sees in this an opportunity for the manifestation of her feminine nature. Often, for her concepts of femininity of the group of women of the first chakra, are unacceptable. She is categorically against any household duties – “I just have to be beautiful, otherwise, if I do something else at home, I will turn into a man”. The two bright representatives of the first and second levels clashed colorfully with each other in the movie “Love and Doves” in the scene when the famous phrase “Lyudka, and Lyudka, phew, village!” is uttered.
The third level of consciousness is in the Navel center, the Manipura chakra. It is the representatives of this group of women who are categorically against the term “weaker sex”, because Manipura is the center of leadership, will. Women of this level are trying to prove to the world that they are “not at all worse than men” (I do not know, though, who introduced into the nature of difference between the two sexes the terms “better” and “worse”, and why this competition take place). Usually they are modern “businesswomen,” energetic “fitness ladies,” or simply enterprising people. Femininity, as they see it, is initiative, be it in domestic matters, professional matters, in relationships. A feminine body for them is: strong legs, a firm pelvis, a relief belly. If we take an analogy from the cinema, the relationship of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” reflects well the manipuristic understanding of the relationship between a man and a woman.
Finally, femininity for the representatives of the fourth energy center, consists in soft, accepting and enveloping care (including for a man), unselfish and unconditional love. The Anahata chakra is the Heart center. Not all people (of any gender) are able to love as much as those whose consciousness has risen so high. These are women who are mothers and keepers of the hearth. They are “warm” in their character, they radiate comfort in the home just by their presence – they don’t even need to do anything specially for this, because it is their natural nature. Remember the scene from the movie “Gladiator”, when the main character at the end of the movie remembered his wife. The woman at the stove or in an extravagant sexual pose did not appear in his mind, much less as a business partner in family matters. No, it was the mother of his children, waiting on the road home, his Wife.
In society, if you look closely, you can find bright representatives of one or another group of women. There are also complex variants, when a woman has not one, but several dominant energy centers. The question arises, well, what is the “right set” of feminine qualities? I believe that if all the positive components of the personality of these four levels are collected, then the ideal variant will be obtained. That is, starting with the basic concepts of proper household chores, continuing with grace and elegance, moving smoothly to moderate initiative and ending with softness, wisdom and warmth. Not a bad option, is it?
Yes, at first glance it may seem impossible to combine all of the above at the same time, and I agree that it is extremely difficult. However, life is for us to evolve (no, not just for pleasure, as the representatives of the second chakra would think, and not just for achieving success in business, as it would seem to the representatives of the Navel center). We live to evolve, regardless of gender or status. Wherever you are and whoever you are, you need to work on yourself on all levels – what is underdeveloped now – improve it. As a result, all of our achievements, both positive and negative, will be preserved in the future. If you work with yourself from life to life, you will become more and more perfect with each next incarnation.
P.S. In the next article, so as not to offend anyone, I will perform a similar review, but already on the topic of masculinity.